Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep 138: We Need You!

Ep 138: We Need You!

Each of us has a reason we incarnated here and now on this planet. A small percentage of the total population on Earth came here to help raise the vibration and frequency of Earth and the human collective. Regardless of your life's mission, you play a part in this process. Every single person needs to do the thing their soul chooses for them in this incarnation. We need you to be YOU.

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Ep 137: Avoiding Toxic Positivity and Spiritual Bypass

Ep 137: Avoiding Toxic Positivity and Spiritual Bypass

Humans are emotional beings and I believe we are here to experience a broad spectrum of those emotions. When you push down your so-called negative feelings and have an attitude of "good vibes only", it's a slippery slope. Creating a fulfilling life requires discipline, determination, hard work, and humility—in addition to a sprinkling of metaphysics. When you can harness both the practical actions and spiritual practices, that's when the magic happens!

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Ep 136: Creating safety from within

Ep 136: Creating safety from within

It is a fundamental human instinct to do what we need to in order to be safe. But sometimes that instinct can get in the way of our emotional and spiritual growth. Numbing your feelings, hiding your true self from the world, and avoiding dealing with your fears are just a few of the ways that creating the illusion of safety is actually putting you at risk. When you have the courage to delve into your deepest fears and share your feelings with trusted friends and mentors, you can begin to create safety within yourself.

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Ep 135: Mood Follows Action

Ep 135: Mood Follows Action

When you are feeling down or low energy, what's the best way to shift your energy and your mood? My experience has been that taking even one small step towards a goal, mission, or even in the direction of joy can be an incredibly effective way to change your vibration. Mood follows action. This is by no means a phrase that I came up with. In fact, I heard it multiple times this past week, which is why it felt like a message to talk about this week on the podcast.

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Ep 134: Are we comfortable with uncertainty yet?!

Ep 134: Are we comfortable with uncertainty yet?!

If there is an overwhelmingly loud message that we've been getting from the cosmos over the past two years it is this: uncertainty is normal. But the truth is, this has always been the case. Certainty has always been an illusion that we chose to believe in order to make ourselves feel better about the world. This year, commit to giving yourself some time and space every day to sit in silence and listen for the truth of your Soul, and surrender to the uncertainty of the world.

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Ep 133: Say Yes to Yourself, Even When It Means Saying No to Others

Ep 133: Say Yes to Yourself, Even When It Means Saying No to Others

Our culture has conditioned us to feel guilty when we say no to others, even when it means doing what we really want or need. The obligations around the holidays are many—and these often take a toll on our own self-care. You might find that giving yourself some time to do what really feels right for you in the moment, or doing absolutely NOTHING (gasp), will feed your physical and energetic bodies more than anything offered by the outside world of expectations.

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Ep 132: What do we do when self-doubt creeps in?

Ep 132: What do we do when self-doubt creeps in?

We all have self-doubt at some point in our lives. When it does creep in, it is more important than ever to give yourself the time and space to listen deeply to your intuition. But sometimes your inner wisdom can get drowned out by all of the "shoulds" in your life—cultural or familial expectations and opinions. It's time to listen to yourSelf and be your own guru, your own spiritual guide.

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Ep 131: Cultivating Optimism in Our Lives

Ep 131: Cultivating Optimism in Our Lives

We made it through the eclipse portal and it's time to set our Sagittarius mindset on our most expanded possibilities! But as you continue to navigate the challenges of the world, how can we cultivate optimism in our daily lives? In this episode, I discuss some simple actions you can take that can help you bring more confidence, enthusiasm, and hopefulness into your life. 

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Ep 130: What is your body telling you?

Ep 130: What is your body telling you?

The mere act of being human can be incredibly intense and arduous at times. From the physical to the spiritual challenges, we must navigate it all. Whether you are in the midst of a health crisis or just minor ailments, if you include a curiosity about what your body is telling you, in addition to any marvels of modern medicine that you feel called to engage with, you may find that insight will come that may help ease the experience. Sometimes we aren’t meant to “fix” a physical symptom, but to listen to the deeper cause below the surface. And sometimes, we are meant to just be with our current reality.

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Ep 129: Discipline and Devotion, then Magnetism

Ep 129: Discipline and Devotion, then Magnetism

Discipline can have negative connotations, but it is a necessary part of our spiritual journey and evolution. Through discipline, devotion, and clear intentions, you create magnetic energy that allows you to manifest the life your intuition shows you in those moments of silence when you listen deeply to your Soul.

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Ep 128: Open yourself to guidance within and from the spirit realms

Ep 128: Open yourself to guidance within and from the spirit realms

Navigating your spiritual journey means being open to guidance from your own internal compass as well as the benevolent beings that are here to help. This help can come in many forms. The question is, are listening and aware of the messages you receive that are supporting and guiding you in the right direction?

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Ep 127: Whole-heartedly Diving into Scorpio Season

Ep 127: Whole-heartedly Diving into Scorpio Season

It's Scorpio season and while that may have you feeling like you want to sting someone, it's also an incredible opportunity for deep, profound healing. Scorpio's archetypes include our fickle friend the scorpion, but it also has the energy of the phoenix and the eagle. We are invited to dive into our emotions, feel them—spikey and uncomfortable as they may be—and allow them to transmute.

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Ep 126: Examining your relationship to Time

Ep 126: Examining your relationship to Time

We all have a relationship with time. Sometimes it stresses us out and we may often be projecting ourselves into the future or dwelling in the past. But when we truly swim in presence, this moment right now, we experience timelessness and the Unity field.

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Ep 125: Knowing when to take action and when to pause

Ep 125: Knowing when to take action and when to pause

We all face decisions and have impulses all day every day. But do you know when you are reacting impulsively and when you are acting on intuition? Listening to your intuition takes practice. It's a muscle that needs testing and training. As you deepen into your ability to pause and listen, you can confidently move forward at the right moment.

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Ep 124: Establishing healthy routines to withstand the uncertainty

Ep 124: Establishing healthy routines to withstand the uncertainty

As we continue to withstand the uncertainty and unease in the world around us, it is so important to establish (or reestablish) routines in your daily life that create a foundation for physical, emotional, and energetic health. In this episode, I touch on some of the most important things you can get disciplined about doing so that you start and end each day with some semblance of stability.

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