Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep 184: New Year’s Revelations with Sat Devbir

Ep 184: New Year’s Revelations with Sat Devbir

My favorite intuitive guide, teacher, healer, and Lightworker, Sat Devbir, is back to share wisdom about the coming year. In this conversation, he shares guidance that he has received in the past few weeks from the Spirit Guides about the energy of 2024 and how we can all leverage that energy to create a stable foundation for our future expansion.

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Ep 183: Year-End Pep Talk: Give yourself the gift of self awareness this holiday season

Ep 183: Year-End Pep Talk: Give yourself the gift of self awareness this holiday season

This is my annual year-end pep talk encouraging you to make space to sit quietly with yourself this holiday season! Yes, I'm sure you are busy. But meditating every day—even for just 11 minutes—will help you have more self-awareness, self-compassion, and ease, despite the hustle and bustle.

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Ep. 162: How can we more fully surrender to what is?

Ep. 162: How can we more fully surrender to what is?

As we navigate challenging moments, how can we accept what is and bring more ease into the moment? In this episode, I share more about that process of surrender and the truth that I’ve embraced—it’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you.

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Ep 161: How to ring in an intentional, conscious new year

Ep 161: How to ring in an intentional, conscious new year

Instead of getting wrapped up in the holiday frenzy, social expectations, and over-eating and drinking as we end the year, let’s pause, reflect, and step into the new year with intention, conscious connection, and grace! In this episode, I share some of my favorite ways to acknowledge these sacred times, from the winter solstice through the new year. Give yourself the time you need to connect with yourself and listen to what you want to create in the coming year.

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Ep 135: Mood Follows Action

Ep 135: Mood Follows Action

When you are feeling down or low energy, what's the best way to shift your energy and your mood? My experience has been that taking even one small step towards a goal, mission, or even in the direction of joy can be an incredibly effective way to change your vibration. Mood follows action. This is by no means a phrase that I came up with. In fact, I heard it multiple times this past week, which is why it felt like a message to talk about this week on the podcast.

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Ep 134: Are we comfortable with uncertainty yet?!

Ep 134: Are we comfortable with uncertainty yet?!

If there is an overwhelmingly loud message that we've been getting from the cosmos over the past two years it is this: uncertainty is normal. But the truth is, this has always been the case. Certainty has always been an illusion that we chose to believe in order to make ourselves feel better about the world. This year, commit to giving yourself some time and space every day to sit in silence and listen for the truth of your Soul, and surrender to the uncertainty of the world.

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Ep 133: Say Yes to Yourself, Even When It Means Saying No to Others

Ep 133: Say Yes to Yourself, Even When It Means Saying No to Others

Our culture has conditioned us to feel guilty when we say no to others, even when it means doing what we really want or need. The obligations around the holidays are many—and these often take a toll on our own self-care. You might find that giving yourself some time to do what really feels right for you in the moment, or doing absolutely NOTHING (gasp), will feed your physical and energetic bodies more than anything offered by the outside world of expectations.

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Episode 101: Inviting balance into our lives
Intuition, Third eye Susan von Thun Intuition, Third eye Susan von Thun

Episode 101: Inviting balance into our lives

Before, during, and after the recent equinox on March 20, I have been thinking a lot about balance. What does balance look like for me? Where can I cultivate more balance to allow more space and freedom in my life? In this episode, I share some of the processes I've been contemplating and how I invite balance in on an energetic/etheric as well as physical level. Ride this wave of energy as we come off the equinox and the new beginnings the astrological new year allows for.

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