Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep. 197: The Equinox, eclipse season, and preparing for a new chapter

Ep. 197: The Equinox, eclipse season, and preparing for a new chapter

Over the next couple of weeks, we are in a potent portal with two eclipses and the Autumn Equinox sandwiched in between. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17 marks the beginning of a new cycle. The Equinox invites us to tune into the harmony in nature and invite more balance into our lives. This is the perfect time to clear out the old habits, patterns, and energies no longer relevant to your expansion and call in the new. In this episode, I talk about this eclipse season and how you can work with all of the current Cosmic energies to heal and evolve. 

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Ep. 196: Authenticity, childless cat ladies, and cultivating a strong foundation for your life

Ep. 196: Authenticity, childless cat ladies, and cultivating a strong foundation for your life

Whether you're feeling aligned and flowing with ease through life, or the challenges mounting feel like major obstacles, we all can benefit from knowing and expressing ourselves in a deep, authentic way. The intensity of August's astrology will not be letting up much in September as we enter eclipse season. In this episode, I discuss some of my recent observations about the collective and share the best way I know to create a strong and stable foundation for life. At this moment, the key is to reaffirm your commitment to practices, habits, and lifestyle routines that nourish you. Meditation teaches us to observe ourselves and find stillness and neutrality in the discomfort. The more you practice, the more that skill translates to everyday life. And when you become more aware of your authentic truth and express that in all that you do, you will be able to glide over the bumps!  

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Ep. 195: Leo season, Mercury retrograde, and preparing for the tumult ahead

Ep. 195: Leo season, Mercury retrograde, and preparing for the tumult ahead

Leo season is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time to step into your courage, leadership, and heart and let your authentic light shine. This year, Mercury retrograde coincides with it, but do not fear! This retrograde is inviting us to review and tune into how we communicate, learn, and inform ourselves, along with editing the details of daily schedules and to-do lists. It's the perfect time to curate our lives—which behaviors, routines, and people are nourishing us and which are not. August and September have some bumpy astrology, and the world around us will continue to surprise us. Now is the time to set yourself up with supportive people and techniques to create a stable foundation for the ride ahead.

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Ep. 194: Summer astrology, nourishing self care, discipline, and cultivating invincibility

Ep. 194: Summer astrology, nourishing self care, discipline, and cultivating invincibility

As the turbulence of the world continues, it's more important than ever to cultivate discipline and intuitive knowing to nourish and support our body, mind, and soul. In this episode, I highlight a few of the significant astrological energies happening in July and August to keep an eye on and be ready for. When we balance disciplined self-care practices for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being with nourishment and rest, we cultivate an invincible field, a force of love and good in the world. I believe in us!

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