Third Eye Science
Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.
In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.
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Ep. 199: Knowing when to rest and when to do
As we approach the winter solstice and the long nights/short days of winter, it is important to give yourself the time and space to go inward. Unfortunately, that doesn't often align with the busy holiday activities and modern cultural norms for this season. So, how do we know when to rest and when to create boundaries so we can rest and receive? We must practice tuning into the intuitive knowing and listen to that inner voice about what our body and soul need. Winter is a time of senescence, a death and rebirth cycle. Give your body, nervous system, and energy field the opportunity to rejuvenate so you don't burn out. This way, you can plant the seeds for the seasons and year ahead and be ready to go when the time is right!

Ep. 198: Letting go of the stories we tell ourselves
We all have stories that we tell ourselves that are not contributing to our evolution as souls. Often, those stories aren't even ours—they are fears and limiting beliefs installed by collective or familial programming and conditioning. Now, more than ever, we are being invited to release those stories and be the true self that exists beneath all of that conditioning. In this episode, I share some ways that you can begin to observe and let go of the mind loops that just don't serve a purpose.

Ep 188: Go with the flow, even when you don’t know where you’re headed
You must balance your actions with full surrender to make your dreams a reality. We can find harmony and fulfillment when we walk this line between completely relaxing to receive and taking definitive action. Through practices like meditation and journaling, you learn to listen deeply to your inner guidance. Then, you know exactly what aligned actions to take and when, and you know when to pause and allow the alignment to find you. In this episode, I share my thoughts on this process and some examples in my life.

Ep 187: Pisces season encourages you to feel your feelings!
Pisces season! Feel! Cry! Laugh! And cry again! I’m only sort of kidding. It’s that time of year again when the watery, all-encompassing emotional states of being are not only expected—but encouraged. We are emotional beings living in a culture that conditions us to suppress and numb our feelings. But doing so stunts growth and can even cause disease. In this episode, I share some of the ways we can encourage our emotions to come out in healthy, supportive ways. Your emotions are NOT something to be scared of. They are a critical part of the human experience!
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