Ep. 197: The Equinox, eclipse season, and preparing for a new chapter
Learn how to work with the energies of the eclipse season and the Autumn Equinox.
In this episode, I talk about this eclipse season and how you can work with all of the current Cosmic energies to heal and evolve.
Over the next couple of weeks, we are in a potent portal with two eclipses and the Autumn Equinox sandwiched in between. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17 marks the beginning of a new cycle. The Equinox invites us to tune into the harmony in nature and invite more balance into our lives. This is the perfect time to clear out the old habits, patterns, and energies no longer relevant to your expansion and call in the new. In this episode, I talk about this eclipse season and how you can work with all of the current Cosmic energies to heal and evolve.
Mentioned in this episode:
One of my favorite versions of the Ho'oponopono prayer.
Sat Devbir's Autumn Equinox workshop at Babage in Beverly Hills
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