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Ep 127: Whole-heartedly Diving into Scorpio Season
It's Scorpio season and while that may have you feeling like you want to sting someone, it's also an incredible opportunity for deep, profound healing. Scorpio's archetypes include our fickle friend the scorpion, but it also has the energy of the phoenix and the eagle. We are invited to dive into our emotions, feel them—spikey and uncomfortable as they may be—and allow them to transmute.
Ep 126: Examining your relationship to Time
We all have a relationship with time. Sometimes it stresses us out and we may often be projecting ourselves into the future or dwelling in the past. But when we truly swim in presence, this moment right now, we experience timelessness and the Unity field.
Ep 125: Knowing when to take action and when to pause
We all face decisions and have impulses all day every day. But do you know when you are reacting impulsively and when you are acting on intuition? Listening to your intuition takes practice. It's a muscle that needs testing and training. As you deepen into your ability to pause and listen, you can confidently move forward at the right moment.
Ep 124: Establishing healthy routines to withstand the uncertainty
As we continue to withstand the uncertainty and unease in the world around us, it is so important to establish (or reestablish) routines in your daily life that create a foundation for physical, emotional, and energetic health. In this episode, I touch on some of the most important things you can get disciplined about doing so that you start and end each day with some semblance of stability.
Ep 123: Being human through these trying times
If there is anything we've been forced to reckon with in our lives during this time, it's uncertainty. As human beings, we have evolved to crave certainty. Undergoing this tremendous amount of stress and unpredictability for an extended period can create anxiety, melancholy, depression, or some emotion along that spectrum. And while you may not realize it, you may be experiencing some form of emotional reaction to this incredible stress to your nervous system. In this episode, I discuss how I too am experiencing my own variation of pandemic flux syndrome and how acknowledging my emotions and reactions to this once-in-a-lifetime stress has given me some relief from my own self-judgment.
Ep 122: The Aquarian Vision of Soul Tribe Online from the Gene Key perspective
Today's podcast is a conversation hosted by Alison McCabe, a professional astrologer, and blogger. She is bringing a Gene Keys Immersion to Soul Tribe Online, an online yoga, meditation, and healing arts community where I teach my weekly Energetic Tune Up classes. The Gene Keys Transmission is a synthesis between the I Ching and Western Astrology and in this conversation, we include the visionaries behind Soul Tribe Online with Alison's perspective as a Gene Keys Guide.
Ep 121: Anchoring into your Self
Where are you anchoring your life? I don't mean physically where are you, but on a metaphysical and existential level, do you have a point of stability and grounding that brings you back to your soul? It is important to anchor ourselves into behaviors, practices, and routines that cultivate a connection to our infinite, quantum Selves. When we have a secure anchor point, we can take these messages to heart and see what magic unfolds.
Ep 120: Self-expression through embodiment
Embodying our values and our true essence is an incredible tool for self-expression. We express ourselves through our creativity, our communication, our presence, and our energy and if we can show up as our Selves in as many moments as possible, this is the true embodiment of the Soul. It's time to create and allow more space for your soul to be expressed in this physical vessel—right here and now. By living your soul's purpose and showing the world who you really are, you give others permission to do the same. This is how we uplift the world and make real, lasting change.
Ep 119: Establishing Stability in Chaos
How are you navigating this chaotic world we live in? Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the transitions and dissonance around you? As the summer ends and we enter the heart of Virgo season, the Cosmic energy is supporting you in cultivating clear, strong, supportive behaviors in your life to build a foundation for success. In this episode, I discuss some of the astrological alignments that are influencing us and creating opportunities for us to establish routines that will support us in elevating ourselves and the world along with us.
Episode 98: What does self-love look like for you?
In this episode, I talk about some of my self-love practices why it's so important, and how you can cultivate more love for the most important relationship in your life—the one you have with yourself!
Episode 97: Trust the flow of love
During this time, many of us are isolated and perhaps even depressed or anxious about everything happening in the world, but the truth is, we are literally never alone. The message has been coming to me so clearly lately that not only are we not alone, but we have legions of spirit beings ready and willing to help us as we evolve ourselves and humanity.
Episode 96: You are not alone
During this time, many of us are isolated and perhaps even depressed or anxious about everything happening in the world, but the truth is, we are literally never alone. The message has been coming to me so clearly lately that not only are we not alone, but we have legions of spirit beings ready and willing to help us as we evolve ourselves and humanity.
Episode 95: Examining our relationship with time
In this episode, I examine my relationship with time and contemplate how we can up-level how we perceive time by looking at it on a quantum level. The truth is that we are the ones defining time in our lives, so maybe we can loosen the constructs and allow more flow, ease, grace, and expansion for ourselves and others.
Episode 94: What are you broadcasting to the world
In this episode, I share a journaling practice I did that led to some profound truths and suggestions from my higher self and the collective consciousness. Not only are we not a prisoner to our minds, we can choose our thoughts and be very intentional about the thoughts we send to ourselves and the collective.
Episode 93: Realign and energize your life
We will continue to be required to call on our resilience and grit in these challenging times in the year to come, but now, we will be supported in taking more action towards our dreams. In this episode, I discuss some of the ways that I am doing some realignment in my life by observing what habits must go, what new ones to create, and share some of the tools and techniques I use to tune in. Last year was one of deep inward reflection and inquiry.
Episode 92: Discernment and letting your intuition guide you
Now, more than ever, is a time to use discernment in what information you choose to consume and propagate. It's a time to commit to self-reflection. As I say in the introduction to the podcast, in this age of information and misinformation, it's time to understand and interpret the world with your third eye.
Episode 91: New Age, New Year, New You
This month (this year, really) we've had so many energy portals opening, bringing in energy that we can use to uplift our lives, ourselves, and the collective.
Episode 90: Reflections on 2020
This month (this year, really) we've had so many energy portals opening, bringing in energy that we can use to uplift our lives, ourselves, and the collective.
Episode 71: Expanding the heart center and radiating pure love with Sat Devbir Singh
I have never met another soul that emanates more love than Sat Devbir! He is a crystal healer, yoga teacher, teacher trainer, intuitive guide, international speaker, and Dr. of Divinity.
Episode 71: Awakening your gifts in the New Earth with Kristi Noël
In this conversation, we discuss Kristi's spiritual awakening, which was quite suddenly ignited by the onset of motherhood, her experiences with listening to her guides in the angelic realm—even when it meant making really challenging choices for herself and her family, and the messages she's received about the New Earth energy that we are collectively awakening.
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