Episode 94: What are you broadcasting to the world


Everything you do and think is a transmission. Are you consciously transmitting the highest vibration possible?

In this episode, I share a journaling practice I did that led to some profound truths and suggestions from my higher self and the collective consciousness. Not only are we not a prisoner to our minds, we can choose our thoughts and be very intentional about the thoughts we broadcast to ourselves and the collective. 

We are in a time of immense transformation and the energies we receive and are supported by are shifting quickly. Now is a time to get very intentional about what we are transmitting to the world. With Mercury in Aquarius for 9 long weeks, we have the opportunity to completely reprogram our thought patterns and clear our mindwaves. In this episode, I share a journaling practice I did that led to some profound truths and suggestions from my higher self and the collective consciousness. Not only are we not a prisoner to our minds, we can choose our thoughts and be very intentional about the thoughts we broadcast to ourselves and the collective. We can embody all of our innate intuitive gifts here and now and beam the highest frequency possible out into the world. Everything you do and think is a transmission. Are you consciously transmitting the highest vibration possible? Meditation trains you to become the observer of your thoughts and allows you to open the door into a new way of intentionally interacting with the Cosmos.  Broadcast your light.

My upcoming offerings:

  • February 4 -14 I'll also be holding an 11-day Energetic Realignment Immersion on Soul Tribe Online. In this online immersion, we’ll work with our physical and energetic bodies through yoga, meditation, and healing energy to bring our systems into alignment with the Cosmos and our optimal frequency.

  • Starting Feb 8, I'll begin teaching weekly Energetic Tune-up classes on Soul Tribe Online. In this 45-minute weekly class (Mondays at 7 pm PST), we will tune in to ourselves and tune-up our energetic fields through movement, breath, and healing. Recordings available for those who can't join live.

Mentioned in this episode:

Check out the sustainable yoga products at shaktiwarriorshop.com and use the promo code WARRIORSUSAN at check out for 10% off. 

Get updates about my offerings directly to your inbox by signing up for my newsletter. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your email address. 

If you would like to work one-on-one with me, learn more here. I am an intuitive guide and will bring in whatever type of healing we are guided to uplevel your experience. 

Follow the journey on Instagram @thirdeyescience and like the Facebook page where you'll find resources on yoga, meditation, the science of spirituality, and self-care. Join the Third Eye Science Meditation Circle on Insight Timer. 

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Episode 95: Examining our relationship with time


Episode 93: Realign and energize your life