Third Eye Science
Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.
In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.
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Ep 148: What would your life look like if you prioritized your Soul?
There is so much competition for our time and energy, and often, those external demands take over the majority of life. But what would happen if you determined what YOU need to do to fulfill your Soul and prioritize THAT over all other things? This will look different for every person. From taking care of your body as a vessel for the Soul to listening deeply in meditation and silence, there are many ways we can do this. I can't answer what it would look like for you. In this episode, I share what it looks like for me. I encourage you to dive deep into what your Soul desires and needs of you right now and commit to doing it every day.

Ep 147: What does Presence really mean and how can we use it to grow?
We hear the word presence all the time in yoga, meditation, and wellness circles, but what does that really mean? In our modern age, we are bombarded by distractions that are pulling our thoughts and energy in a million directions. It's also built into our brains and nervous system as a whole to be constantly aware of our surroundings for evolutionary reasons. We are often thinking about the past or visualizing the future. But when we connect with the present moment—whether we are working, creating, having a moment with our loved ones, or meditating—we are able to connect with our true Selves and magnetize love and abundance.

Ep 146: What does home mean to you?
Home is more than the buildings we live in. It is an energy, a vibration, an energetic signature. We can be at home anywhere on Earth. We can be at home no matter where we are if we cultivate the comfort, safety, and love within. And when you do this for yourself through yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices, you open your receptivity to more fully embody all that you are.

Ep 145: Opening up our receptivity and connecting to our magnetism
Many people can easily give energy—like time, money, attention, and even love—but are not genuinely open to receiving it for themselves. There may be blocks, resistance, and protective mechanisms that interfere with our willingness to accept energy on a fundamental level. In this episode, I talk about some of the ways we can begin to open our receptivity and magnetize the energy we need to not only survive but thrive and fulfill our Soul's destiny.

Ep 144: How can we respond with intention instead of reacting in the moment?
Many of us are constantly reacting to the world around us. But how can we respond to the people and situations around us with intention, grace, and clarity? As we continue to go-go-go, we risk burnout, resentment, and health complications from chronic stress. If we take some time to pause, listen, and intentionally respond, we are building a more sustainable way to live—for ourselves and for others.

Ep 143: Practicing Radical Honesty
There are many ways in which we are not honest with ourselves or others. On any given day, you may find yourself holding back the truth in simple ways like saying you're fine when you aren't or more complex ways like hiding an emotional truth from loved ones or even yourself. I'm embarking on a commitment to be radically honest—with myself and others. Regardless of the situation, practicing radical honesty with yourself is sure to be an enlightening process and will help you delve deeper into your spiritual journey.

Ep 142: Connecting with Compassion & Joy
It's important to acknowledge and feel compassion for the people suffering in the world right now. But it is also critical to continue to connect with joy and love, despite the suffering. While conflicts and natural disasters may not impact you directly on a personal level, they lead to deep collective sadness, pain, and fear. During these times, I believe it is even MORE important to make sure you cultivate joy, happiness, love, and the ability to see the magic in small or even big life moments.
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