Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep 144: How can we respond with intention instead of reacting in the moment?

Ep 144: How can we respond with intention instead of reacting in the moment?

Many of us are constantly reacting to the world around us. But how can we respond to the people and situations around us with intention, grace, and clarity? As we continue to go-go-go, we risk burnout, resentment, and health complications from chronic stress. If we take some time to pause, listen, and intentionally respond, we are building a more sustainable way to live—for ourselves and for others.

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