Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep. 164: Flowing with the intuitive, dreamy waters of Pisces Season

Ep. 164: Flowing with the intuitive, dreamy waters of Pisces Season

This week, the sun entered Pisces and we had the new moon in Pisces. Whether you have any planets in Pisces or not, it will help you navigate these dream, intuitive waters if you align with this energy in a few simple ways. In this episode, I share my experience on what it’s like to live as an emotional, sensative being and give you some actions you can take to go with the flow instead of trying to swim upstream!

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Ep. 163: Expanding and evolving through generosity (Copy)

Ep. 163: Expanding and evolving through generosity (Copy)

Generosity is an incredible tool for expansion and growth. We can shift our energetic field—along with the recipients of our generosity—when we give unconditionally. In this episode, I explore how you can engage with generosity to evolve spiritually and uplift the collective energy on the planet.

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Ep. 162: How can we more fully surrender to what is?

Ep. 162: How can we more fully surrender to what is?

As we navigate challenging moments, how can we accept what is and bring more ease into the moment? In this episode, I share more about that process of surrender and the truth that I’ve embraced—it’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you.

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Ep 161: How to ring in an intentional, conscious new year

Ep 161: How to ring in an intentional, conscious new year

Instead of getting wrapped up in the holiday frenzy, social expectations, and over-eating and drinking as we end the year, let’s pause, reflect, and step into the new year with intention, conscious connection, and grace! In this episode, I share some of my favorite ways to acknowledge these sacred times, from the winter solstice through the new year. Give yourself the time you need to connect with yourself and listen to what you want to create in the coming year.

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Ep 160: Three superpowers that will help get you through the holiday season

Ep 160: Three superpowers that will help get you through the holiday season

How can we bring more patience, ease, and compassion in the holiday season? In this episode, I share three superpowers of the Aquarian Age that help you navigate—and even enjoy—this time of connection and gatherings.

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Ep 155: What is your pain trying to tell you?

Ep 155: What is your pain trying to tell you?

Our pain is not merely a manifestation of how we move our bodies in the world but an invitation to dive deeper into what our bodies and emotions are trying to tell us. In this episode, I share a recent experience I had with some debilitating lower back pain and how it forced me into a self-reflective existential inquiry into what my body was trying to tell me. While it may seem like we can resolve our pain through medical interventions, I believe the symptoms are merely a wake-up call to find the answers within.

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Ep 154: Working with Oracle Cards to Connect with your Intuition

Ep 154: Working with Oracle Cards to Connect with your Intuition

Oracle card decks are a beautiful tool to work with when seeking spiritual guidance—whether you are new to connecting with your intuition and spirit guides or have been doing so for years! In this episode, I share why I love them, how I work with them, and give you some inspiration on how you might engage with them in a new way. Just like your spiritual journey, this process has no right or wrong. Find a deck that you resonate with, and start playing! You never know what wisdom it will awaken within you.

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Ep 153: Embrace the process—there is no RIGHT way to evolve

Ep 153: Embrace the process—there is no RIGHT way to evolve

Am I doing this right?! On your spiritual journey, have you ever wondered that? I have some good news. The answer is unequivocally YES. Because we are all unique, having completely different experiences and the only thing you have to do to evolve is to listen to your Self.

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Ep 152: Experience the simple beauty around you

Ep 152: Experience the simple beauty around you

One of the most powerful ways we can truly be present is to acknowledge and experience the simple beauty around us. From the color of the sky and the trees to a sweet conversation with a stranger, we can relish these moments and allow them to uplift us. You may be surprised how much the simple things in life can open your heart, expand your energy, and create more joy for yourself and others.

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Ep 151: When you know who you are you know what to do.

Ep 151: When you know who you are you know what to do.

What is a frustrated person who cares about humanity to do at this moment? Know yourself. When you prioritize knowing your true self, being your true self, you'll know what's next. A person who knows who they are knows what to do. We each have a unique and crucial perspective and abilities to do and be in ways that no one else can. When we each play our part, together we'll change the world. Tune in and listen to your inner voice, your intuitive wisdom. The solutions will come. I believe in us.

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Ep 150: What energizes you?

Ep 150: What energizes you?

Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions and doing things you "have to" do when and how you've always done them? I do and I recently got some advice from a trusted mentor to ask myself in those moments: What energizes me? Maybe there's another time or way to do that thing you have to do that could be more energizing. I've been following this guidance over the last few weeks and have found that it is incredibly empowering.

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Ep 149: Your Words Create Your Reality

Ep 149: Your Words Create Your Reality

Words and thoughts are things. They make real your inner vibration. Now that we are in Gemini season, we are invited to communicate consciously and intentionally. Become even more intentional about our words and even our meta dialog–the mindstream or thoughts we engage with daily. This is also a powerful time to commit to cleaning up our communication by not engaging in gossip, complaining, or comparing. Join me in this practice to expand into our true, loving, compassionate selves by releasing judgment of ourselves and others. Let's elevate our communication this Gemini season and see how it shifts our reality!

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Ep 148: What would your life look like if you prioritized your Soul?

Ep 148: What would your life look like if you prioritized your Soul?

There is so much competition for our time and energy, and often, those external demands take over the majority of life. But what would happen if you determined what YOU need to do to fulfill your Soul and prioritize THAT over all other things? This will look different for every person. From taking care of your body as a vessel for the Soul to listening deeply in meditation and silence, there are many ways we can do this. I can't answer what it would look like for you. In this episode, I share what it looks like for me. I encourage you to dive deep into what your Soul desires and needs of you right now and commit to doing it every day.

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Ep 147: What does Presence really mean and how can we use it to grow?

Ep 147: What does Presence really mean and how can we use it to grow?

We hear the word presence all the time in yoga, meditation, and wellness circles, but what does that really mean? In our modern age, we are bombarded by distractions that are pulling our thoughts and energy in a million directions. It's also built into our brains and nervous system as a whole to be constantly aware of our surroundings for evolutionary reasons. We are often thinking about the past or visualizing the future. But when we connect with the present moment—whether we are working, creating, having a moment with our loved ones, or meditating—we are able to connect with our true Selves and magnetize love and abundance.

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Ep 146: What does home mean to you?

Ep 146: What does home mean to you?

Home is more than the buildings we live in. It is an energy, a vibration, an energetic signature. We can be at home anywhere on Earth. We can be at home no matter where we are if we cultivate the comfort, safety, and love within. And when you do this for yourself through yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices, you open your receptivity to more fully embody all that you are.

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Ep 145: Opening up our receptivity and connecting to our magnetism

Ep 145: Opening up our receptivity and connecting to our magnetism

Many people can easily give energy—like time, money, attention, and even love—but are not genuinely open to receiving it for themselves. There may be blocks, resistance, and protective mechanisms that interfere with our willingness to accept energy on a fundamental level. In this episode, I talk about some of the ways we can begin to open our receptivity and magnetize the energy we need to not only survive but thrive and fulfill our Soul's destiny.

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