Are you struggling to find clarity in a chaotic world?

Do you ever have a hard time figuring out what’s right and what’s right for you?

Are you having a hard time determining the difference between information and misinformation? 

Have you ever wondered what your life would look like if you had an inner compass to help you make clear decisions,

have confidence in your gifts, and live with more ease and flow? 


I know how you feel, because I’ve been there myself…

After years of struggling and looking for happiness in relationships, career success, and the acknowledgment of others, I received a big wake up call from the Universe. I realized that I’d been trying to hide my sensitive nature and my emotions from myself and the people around me by numbing it all with alcohol. I started to get honest with myself and others. I started to connect with something bigger than myself. I started to meditate every day. This connection allowed me to see my sensitivity as an asset, my emotional intelligence as a powerful gift, and my intuition as my guiding light.

As a successful marine biologist who loved her job, I couldn’t see how there could be space in my life for both science and spirituality. By using my scientific perspective and navigating my spiritual journey with a curious, open mind, I found that I can embrace all aspects of myself. Now, I call myself a scientist, a communicator, a yogi, and a healer.

My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience….

Now, as a yoga and meditation teacher and an intuitive healer, I help others find clarity in chaos through opening the third eye and unlocking their intuitive gifts. 

Are you ready to find your truth, uncover your gifts, and live the third eye lifestyle?

What is a session with Susan like?

“Susan was my first contact to Reiki healing and on top of that, 'distance healing' as well. As I am super sensitive to the energy of people, I've always been extremely picky about who to work with. With Susan, I felt a super high vibration and safe space immediately. Her work is profound and gentle at the same time. I quickly discovered that her fields of expertise are numerous, from Reiki and full spectrum healing to yoga, kriyas and mantras, ancient wisdom and so much more. She combines the toolsets specifically tailored to whatever your soul needs for healing. After this first experience, Susan has been my go-to source for healing and spiritual advancement ever since.”

— Stephanie

Third Eye Science podcast

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to understand and interpret the world with your third eye.