Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep 184: New Year’s Revelations with Sat Devbir

Ep 184: New Year’s Revelations with Sat Devbir

My favorite intuitive guide, teacher, healer, and Lightworker, Sat Devbir, is back to share wisdom about the coming year. In this conversation, he shares guidance that he has received in the past few weeks from the Spirit Guides about the energy of 2024 and how we can all leverage that energy to create a stable foundation for our future expansion.

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Ep 183: Year-End Pep Talk: Give yourself the gift of self awareness this holiday season

Ep 183: Year-End Pep Talk: Give yourself the gift of self awareness this holiday season

This is my annual year-end pep talk encouraging you to make space to sit quietly with yourself this holiday season! Yes, I'm sure you are busy. But meditating every day—even for just 11 minutes—will help you have more self-awareness, self-compassion, and ease, despite the hustle and bustle.

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Ep 182: Finding Peace in Chaos and Conflict

Ep 182: Finding Peace in Chaos and Conflict

While the chaos and conflict in the world continue, it is more important than ever to create stability and security in your own field. From this place of calm, neutral balance, and peace within, we can have a tremendous impact on the collective. I'm not talking about spiritual bypass—meditating our way out of real-world atrocities—but about that deep inner work that includes being honest with yourself about how you create resistance and struggle for yourself. Whether you feel called to speak out against or for something or take action for a cause, the most important thing we can each do as individuals is address the conflict, distraction, and fear within ourselves. As more people consciously disengage from the fear and conflict programming inundating our screens, the more momentum we will build toward a new way of operating on this planet.

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Ep 181: The Space Between

Ep 181: The Space Between

Have you ever felt like you are in between who you were and who you are meant to become? That liminal space is a moment in your spiritual evolution to be revered, not ignored! It is an invitation to pause, contemplate, and surrender to the flow of the Cosmos. The death and rebirth cycle is a critical process to embrace. It happens on time scales from moments to days to years. In our world filled with distractions and noise, it is so important to allow yourself to be nourished by this sacred pause.

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Ep 180: Create space in your life to allow your true essence emerge

Ep 180: Create space in your life to allow your true essence emerge

It's easy to be swept up by our busy lives and all the external things competing for our attention. When we create a little space each day to be quiet and detach from the barrage of distractions, we open up to our true essence. Then, our inner guidance, creativity, and messages from the ether realms become more prominent. Meditation, journaling, and time in nature are just a few of the ways to turn our attention inward and allow for a more profound connection to emerge.

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Ep 179:  A simple way towards world peace—cultivate peace within

Ep 179: A simple way towards world peace—cultivate peace within

Prayers for world peace may seem like a lofty—or even naive—dream. But I believe that we can, and will, create a more peaceful, just planet by starting with ourselves. If those of us in the privileged, relatively safe parts of the world can't hold compassion, empathy, and love for ourselves and the people around us, how can we ask that to happen on the world stage? When you cultivate inner peace and serenity, you radiate it our into the morphogenic collective field. We can do that in simple ways, such as a smile to a stranger, an intentional burst of light to a passerby, or forgiveness to someone (or yourself) for some wrongdoing. If we simply remember each other—recognize the divinity in all—we create a pathway to harmony on this planet.

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Ep 178: How can we more actively work to become the person we want to be?

Ep 178: How can we more actively work to become the person we want to be?

We all have behaviors we'd love to shift or release, and they are often related to triggers that touch on sensitive issues that we haven't yet healed or transcended. But when something or someone triggers you into a trauma response, you can look at it as a moment to learn more about yourself. The programming and conditioning from childhood and beyond can be stuck deep in the subconscious. You may not even be aware of why you react in extreme ways in any given situation. In this episode, I share some recent experiences observing myself in less-than-enlightened reactions and some steps we can all take to do the self-inquiry required to heal our past traumas. As we continue to evolve emotionally, more is revealed to be healed. I believe this is a lifelong process towards your true Self.

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Ep 177: How can you create a refuge within where you can believe?

Ep 177: How can you create a refuge within where you can believe?

The world around us is not transforming on the time scale that makes our lives easier. But we can create—and believe in—a refuge within. In this episode, I share some ways to create a refuge of peace and prosperity for yourself. You can invite this energy into your life in simple yet profound ways. We can create a space where we believe all the magic, miracles, love, and peace are available. Each day, if you create a container—a reminder—for yourself, you begin to transform your inner world. You can manifest your biggest dreams from that sanctuary of faith in yourself. And from that space, the energy is so abundant that it will overflow and create a wave of peace in the world.

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