Episode 89: Integrate to activate
What do you need in order to integrate this energy and activate the New Earth?
This month (this year, really) we've had so many energy portals opening, bringing in energy that we can use to uplift our lives, ourselves, and the collective.
This month (this year, really) we've had so many energy portals opening, bringing in energy that we can use to uplift our lives, ourselves, and the collective. On Monday, Dec 21, 2020, we will have the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the winter solstice. This is literally the energy portal of our lifetime—perhaps many lifetimes! This is an invitation to listen deeply to your Soul, release what's ready to go, acknowledge and feel all of your feelings, and make space to integrate all of the energies available to us right now. By doing this deep, intentional work, we will then be able to activate our true purpose. Each one of us has a unique energetic signature, perspective and purpose that we need on this planet. The time is now to activate your gift to the world. That is why you are here. We need you. Sending you all so much love and light during this epic time on Earth!
Join me for a Winter Solstice Activation energy healing on December 20 and 7 pm. This will help you integrate and activate as we enter the new era and create a New Earth.
Mentioned in the episode:
The teachers I mentioned that I've been working with: Sat Devbir, Paramatma Siri Sadhana, Julie Piatt (aka SriMati), Christine Caruso.
The kriyas I mentioned: Long ek ong kar, Hast kriya, Gyan chakra kriya
Learn more about Kirtan Kriya and do the practice with me on my episode#3 BONUS Kirtan kriya — the meditation for everyone.
Check out the sustainable yoga products at shaktiwarriorshop.com and use the promo code WARRIORSUSAN at check out for 10% off.
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If you would like to work one-on-one with me, learn more here. I am an intuitive guide and will bring in whatever type of healing we are guided to uplevel your experience.
Follow the journey on Instagram @thirdeyescience and like the Facebook page where you'll find resources on yoga, meditation, the science of spirituality, and self-care. Join the Third Eye Science Meditation Circle on Insight Timer.
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