Third Eye Science

Blurring the lines between science and spirituality.

In the Third Eye Science podcast, Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the perspective of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. She’ll share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis, healers and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, it’s time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


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Ep 123: Being human through these trying times

Ep 123: Being human through these trying times

If there is anything we've been forced to reckon with in our lives during this time, it's uncertainty. As human beings, we have evolved to crave certainty. Undergoing this tremendous amount of stress and unpredictability for an extended period can create anxiety, melancholy, depression, or some emotion along that spectrum. And while you may not realize it, you may be experiencing some form of emotional reaction to this incredible stress to your nervous system. In this episode, I discuss how I too am experiencing my own variation of pandemic flux syndrome and how acknowledging my emotions and reactions to this once-in-a-lifetime stress has given me some relief from my own self-judgment.

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Ep 122: The Aquarian Vision of Soul Tribe Online from the Gene Key perspective

Ep 122: The Aquarian Vision of Soul Tribe Online from the Gene Key perspective

Today's podcast is a conversation hosted by Alison McCabe, a professional astrologer, and blogger. She is bringing a Gene Keys Immersion to Soul Tribe Online, an online yoga, meditation, and healing arts community where I teach my weekly Energetic Tune Up classes. The Gene Keys Transmission is a synthesis between the I Ching and Western Astrology and in this conversation, we include the visionaries behind Soul Tribe Online with Alison's perspective as a Gene Keys Guide.

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Ep 121: Anchoring into your Self

Ep 121: Anchoring into your Self

Where are you anchoring your life? I don't mean physically where are you, but on a metaphysical and existential level, do you have a point of stability and grounding that brings you back to your soul? It is important to anchor ourselves into behaviors, practices, and routines that cultivate a connection to our infinite, quantum Selves. When we have a secure anchor point, we can take these messages to heart and see what magic unfolds.

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Ep 120: Self-expression through embodiment

Ep 120: Self-expression through embodiment

Embodying our values and our true essence is an incredible tool for self-expression. We express ourselves through our creativity, our communication, our presence, and our energy and if we can show up as our Selves in as many moments as possible, this is the true embodiment of the Soul. It's time to create and allow more space for your soul to be expressed in this physical vessel—right here and now. By living your soul's purpose and showing the world who you really are, you give others permission to do the same. This is how we uplift the world and make real, lasting change.

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Ep 119: Establishing Stability in Chaos

Ep 119: Establishing Stability in Chaos

How are you navigating this chaotic world we live in? Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the transitions and dissonance around you? As the summer ends and we enter the heart of Virgo season, the Cosmic energy is supporting you in cultivating clear, strong, supportive behaviors in your life to build a foundation for success. In this episode, I discuss some of the astrological alignments that are influencing us and creating opportunities for us to establish routines that will support us in elevating ourselves and the world along with us.

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Ep 118: The timeless wisdom of Sat Devbir (replay from episode 71)

Ep 118: The timeless wisdom of Sat Devbir (replay from episode 71)

I have been guided to reshare the conversation I had with one of my mentors and dear friends and soul family, Sat Devibir. Even though this conversation took place about a year ago, his wisdom is timeless and I believe many of us would benefit from listening again! If you don't already know about Sat, he is a crystal healer, yoga, meditation, and energy healing teacher and teacher trainer, intuitive guide, international speaker, and Dr. of Divinity.

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Ep 117: Finding neutrality in a world of polarities

Ep 117: Finding neutrality in a world of polarities

We live in a world of polarities and right now, the dividing lines may feel stronger than ever. But we can blur those lines for ourselves and not engage in one "camp" or the other. While you may resonate more with one side or opinion more than another, that doesn't mean you have to jump in on the judgment, angry name-calling, and separation. Now is the time, where we are being asked—and tested—on our ability to stay neutral, elevate our energetic vibration despite the chaos around us, and in doing so, uplift humanity.

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Ep 116: Walking gently through transitions

Ep 116: Walking gently through transitions

We are all going through some significant transitions right now—collectively and as individuals. As we adapt to the changes happening in our lives and in the world, it is so important to be gentle with ourselves and others. From being in large crowds for the first time since early 2020 and flying on airplanes again, to going back to work and being around people you have seen in person for over a year, these transitions can be challenging.

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Ep 115: Boundaries and knowing how and when to say No as self care

Ep 115: Boundaries and knowing how and when to say No as self care

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to something and then regretted it afterward? Do you have trouble discerning when to say No versus doing something out of some form of people-pleasing? In this episode, I give some recent examples in my life where I said no to something and how those clear boundaries empowered me to rest, relax, and still show up for what I was actually required to do.

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Ep 114: Overflowing with energy: A guided meditation and Solar energy activation

Ep 114: Overflowing with energy: A guided meditation and Solar energy activation

I recently had a beautiful experience on a meditation journey with a group of powerful women. I was asked by one of my guides, "If you released yourself of all limitations, what do you really desire?" The answer welled up within me so quickly that there was no time to overthink it: I want to overflow.

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Ep 113: Being Present and Swimming in the Solstice Energy

Ep 113: Being Present and Swimming in the Solstice Energy

Even as we begin to enter a post-pandemic world and the summertime urge to reengage with social circles and travel, we are still being called to look within, listen to our inner wisdom, and cultivate silence. But that requires space. Are you creating space in your daily life to contemplate what's happened emotionally and energetically over this past 15 or more months?

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Ep 112: Cultivating space for creating your reality

Ep 112: Cultivating space for creating your reality

Even as we begin to enter a post-pandemic world and the summertime urge to reengage with social circles and travel, we are still being called to look within, listen to our inner wisdom, and cultivate silence. But that requires space. Are you creating space in your daily life to contemplate what's happened emotionally and energetically over this past 15 or more months?

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Ep 111: Cosmic Communication and Mercury Retrograde

Ep 111: Cosmic Communication and Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is nothing to be afraid of but is an opportunity to reexamine your Cosmic Communication. Right now, Mercury is in retrograde in Gemini, where it is most comfortable, which amplifies the energy. It is more important than ever to be mindful of your communication.

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Ep 110: Open to the potential

Ep 110: Open to the potential

This full moon eclipse feels like a powerful opportunity to connect to the potential of the Cosmos. As we release and get ready for a rebirth of sorts, the potential energy all around us feels palpable. From new habits and routines, as our daily lives begin to shift in the coming months, to completely new directions in life, there really is no limit to where you can go from here.

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Ep 109: Embrace the process of transformation

Ep 109: Embrace the process of transformation

Does anyone else feel like they are in the final stages of becoming something/someone else? I feel like I'm the caterpillar in the cacoon, just about to break out of the cacoon and start life as a butterfly. I mean this figuratively, but I suppose it could be taken quite literally, as the world changes and we emerge from our cocoons after a year+ of relative hibernation.

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