Ep. 165: You don’t have to do it alone
We are being called to co-create in all aspects of our lives—from the mundane to the magical!
In this episode, I share my experience integrating the energy from the retreat I recently co-created and reflect on the invitation we are all presented with right now: collaboration as a way of life.
As I integrate the tremendous energy from the retreat I co-created last weekend with a group of women, I have been reflecting on the invitation that we are all presented with right now: collaboration as a way of life. Last week, with the transit of Pluto into Aquarius, we are being called to co-create in all aspects of our lives—from the mundane to the magical! Not only do we not have to do anything alone, but we also aren't meant to. It's time to move from me to we and embrace the gifts of others that complement our own so we can truly uplevel. As we shift our own consciousness, the new perspective becomes available to the entire collective. Ask for help when you need it. Lend a hand when someone else needs it. Then, you will see what it's really like to be an active participant in a community that is impacting the great good of all beings.
Mentioned in this episode:
Gene keys and the Delta Programme
Walk in Beauty: A Guide to Living in Indigenous Wisdom by Alison Dhuanna
Grounding meditation from bonus episode 11
Bonus episode 29: Meditation to awaken ALL o your senses
Bonus episode #8: Healing transmission from Archangel Metatron through Sat Devbir
My upcoming offerings:
Join me every Monday at 5:30 pm on Soul Tribe Online or in your own timing with the recording on the class archive.
My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.
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