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Ep 159: Ease through transformation
How can we bring more ease into these transformative times? We can acknowledge our feelings, shadows, and needs and be grateful for the growth.
Ep 158: Nourishing yourself through connection and community
In this episode, I talk about how connection and immersion in community is so important for nourishing yourself.
Ep 157: Trust yourself
In this episode, I discuss a few recent experiences that tested my confidence in my intuition and share some tips for deepening trust in yourself.
Ep 156: Are you addicted to being busy?
This week on the podcast, I invite you to contemplate something that I am deep in exploration with—am I busy, or am I just addicted to being busy?
Ep 155: What is your pain trying to tell you?
Our pain is not merely a manifestation of how we move our bodies in the world but an invitation to dive deeper into what our bodies and emotions are trying to tell us. In this episode, I share a recent experience I had with some debilitating lower back pain and how it forced me into a self-reflective existential inquiry into what my body was trying to tell me. While it may seem like we can resolve our pain through medical interventions, I believe the symptoms are merely a wake-up call to find the answers within.
Ep 154: Working with Oracle Cards to Connect with your Intuition
Oracle card decks are a beautiful tool to work with when seeking spiritual guidance—whether you are new to connecting with your intuition and spirit guides or have been doing so for years! In this episode, I share why I love them, how I work with them, and give you some inspiration on how you might engage with them in a new way. Just like your spiritual journey, this process has no right or wrong. Find a deck that you resonate with, and start playing! You never know what wisdom it will awaken within you.
Ep 153: Embrace the process—there is no RIGHT way to evolve
Am I doing this right?! On your spiritual journey, have you ever wondered that? I have some good news. The answer is unequivocally YES. Because we are all unique, having completely different experiences and the only thing you have to do to evolve is to listen to your Self.
Ep 152: Experience the simple beauty around you
One of the most powerful ways we can truly be present is to acknowledge and experience the simple beauty around us. From the color of the sky and the trees to a sweet conversation with a stranger, we can relish these moments and allow them to uplift us. You may be surprised how much the simple things in life can open your heart, expand your energy, and create more joy for yourself and others.
Ep 151: When you know who you are you know what to do.
What is a frustrated person who cares about humanity to do at this moment? Know yourself. When you prioritize knowing your true self, being your true self, you'll know what's next. A person who knows who they are knows what to do. We each have a unique and crucial perspective and abilities to do and be in ways that no one else can. When we each play our part, together we'll change the world. Tune in and listen to your inner voice, your intuitive wisdom. The solutions will come. I believe in us.
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